Lost License Plate or Damaged Code? What to Do for Online Deregistration
Find out what to do if a code is damaged, the license plate is lost, or damaged in an accident.
Lost License Plate or Damaged Code – What to Do for Online Deregistration
If you want to deregister your vehicle online, it’s essential to have all documents and codes complete and intact. But what happens if one of the license plates or security codes is lost or damaged? Here’s why complete documents are necessary and what your options are if something is missing.
Why All Codes and License Plates Are Required
The online deregistration of your vehicle only works if both license plates and all associated security codes are complete and correct. The security codes on the plates and the registration certificate are part of the safety verification process, needed to:
- Confirm the vehicle’s identity without error
- Ensure all documents are fully deactivated
Without all codes and plates, online deregistration cannot be completed.
What to Do if a License Plate or Code Is Missing
If any of the following items are missing or damaged, the only option is to personally visit the registration office to complete the deregistration process:
Missing License Plate: If a plate is lost or damaged, it can compromise the vehicle's identity verification. In this case, you’ll need to visit the registration office to officially deregister the vehicle. There, you will likely need to file a loss declaration for the plate.
Damaged Security Code: If the code on the license plate or registration certificate is unreadable or damaged, the registration office will also not accept online deregistration. Again, the only option is to handle it in person at the registration office.
What to Know for In-Person Deregistration
If you need to go to the registration office to deregister in person, be sure to bring all remaining documents and license plates with you. The office will process the deregistration based on the available information and, if necessary, note the missing codes or plates.
Tips to Avoid Loss or Damage
To ensure everything goes smoothly for deregistration, consider the following tips:
- Securely Mount License Plates: Regularly check the plate mounts to ensure they won’t come loose.
- Carefully Uncover the Security Code: When you’re uncovering the security code on your registration certificate or plate, do so carefully to avoid damage. We’ve explained the process here.
Online deregistration is a quick and convenient way to deregister your vehicle – but only if all required documents and security codes are intact and complete. If you’re missing a license plate or security code, visiting the registration office is the only option. They will assist you to ensure your vehicle is deregistered properly and securely.
As always: drive safely.
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