How to - Uncover the Security Code on Your Registration Document Properly
Security code on the registration document - peel the arrow or scratch it off? Here's how to do it right!
Do you want to deregister or re-register your vehicle online? Then you’ll need the security code on your registration document. This code is located on the green edge of the Vehicle Registration Certificate Part I (registration document) and must be uncovered before use. There are two different methods you should know about. In this article, I’ll explain how to uncover the code properly without damaging your registration document.
Method 1: Silver Foil – Scratch It Off
Is there no arrow on the green edge? Then you’ll need to scratch off the silver foil. Here’s how:
- Find the silver foil: The security code is covered by a silver foil.
- Scratch off the foil carefully: Use a coin and gently scratch off the foil until the code becomes visible. Be careful not to scratch too hard to avoid damaging the code.
Method 2: Green Edge with Arrow – Peel It Off
If you see an arrow on the green edge of your registration document, uncovering the code is straightforward:
- Spot the arrow: Look closely at the green edge. Do you see a small arrow? If so, you’re in the right place.
- Peel it off: Start at the arrow and carefully peel off the green strip. The security code will become visible. Be cautious to avoid damaging the rest of the registration document!
Important Tip
Always make sure not to damage the code by applying too much force, and keep the registration document intact.
Uncovering the security code on your registration document is a crucial step for processes like online deregistration or re-registration of your vehicle. Depending on whether there is an arrow on the green edge or not, you can either peel off the strip or gently scratch off the foil. If you’re unsure, feel free to contact us – we’re here to help!
Got more questions? You can reach our support team daily via email or on WhatsApp. Or go straight to Online Deregistration now.
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