What is the best way to scrape the license plate security code?

And what needs to be taken into account urgently.

Titel: What is the best way to scrape the license plate security code?

To deregister online, both license plates and the vehicle registration document must be validated. You have to be careful when doing this so as not to damage the security codes.

What is the best way to go about uncovering the codes?

We recommend always using a coin when revealing the security codes. Even though keys work a little faster than a coin, they are sharper and can damage the security codes more easily. First, you should clean the sticker lightly to remove small stones, animals or adhesive residue. This particularly affects the front license plates. Then the top layer should be carefully removed. To do this, carefully rub the coin back and forth in one direction until it has dissolved.

The security code usually consists of three layers. The top, usually silver plastic film, a white, thin layer and then the security code on the yellow base layer. This yellow layer must not be removed as it contains the security code.

The three layers usually look like this:

Illustration of the different layers of security code

What happens if I break the code?

If a code is damaged, it is best to contact us directly. We would be happy to check for you whether we can restore and save the code. Our success rate of 80% suggests that most codes can be made readable again despite damage using our special processes.

What usually causes codes to become corrupted:

The security codes can either be damaged by sharp objects when exposed, or can be dissolved over many years by UV radiation, wind and rain. The three layers can no longer be clearly separated and are quickly damaged or removed together. It is therefore advisable to take your time when exposing and to write down letters as soon as they are visible, as they can be damaged by further exposure.


The security codes are a great adjustment to enable online deregistration of vehicles. Nevertheless, they require some patience and a careful approach when exposing them. We would be happy to help you if you have problems with the exposure.

Always have a safe trip, your KfzPortal24 team.

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