Where is the online deregistration currently available?
Find out here in which districts and cities we can deregister your car online.
Online deregistration is now widespread and very practical. However, it is not yet possible to deregister cars online in all states and cities. Let's find out more about this.
1. Why is that?
Online deregistration means additional work for the registration authorities. They have to meet the extended technical security standards of the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) for the service. This is not only time-consuming, but also very expensive. For this reason, many registration authorities, especially those in smaller districts, do not yet offer online deregistration.
2. How do I know if I can deregister my car online?
You can easily find out via our deregistration form or via our list of authorities. Here we regularly update all districts and authorities that allow online deregistration.
3. What happens if my district does not offer online deregistration?
In exactly this case, we continue to offer our classic deregistration service. For this, you send us your license plates and vehicle registration document and we will deregister your car for you at one of our locations. It's simple and straightforward, and after a few days you will receive your deregistered documents back from us.
Do you still have questions? You can reach our support team daily by email or simply by Whatsapp Business. Or go directly to Online deregistration.
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